Nexus Series of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education is an open-access proceedings series dedicated to publishing high-quality and peer-reviewed academic conference proceedings in the fields of humanities and social sciences.
All volumes are freely accessible to readers, with articles available for reading, downloading, copying, and distribution without any cost. Each volume operates under the CC BY 4.0 user license, allowing for third-party usage of articles with proper attribution.
Conference organizers sponsor the online publication of proceedings, eliminating the need for publication fees. To submit a conference proposal for publication consideration, please send it to Proposals will be reviewed by Series Editors or a scientific evaluation committee to ensure the quality and excellence of the published proceedings.
For any inquiries about the Nexus Series, please contact our publishing team at
Nexus Series of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education is an open access proceedings series dedicated to publishing high-quality and peer-reviewed academic conference proceedings in a wide range of fields within humanities and social sciences. These fields include sociology, economics, psychology, education, philosophy, history, geography, etc.
Articles published in this series undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure quality. Nexus Series provides various services, such as assisting with the submission of conference papers and facilitating the dissemination of conference papers worldwide. The series aims to offer conference organizers an efficient and cost-effective publication process while maximizing the visibility and indexing of scientific conference proceedings. The Nexus Series also seeks to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals by promoting scientific research that addresses current social challenges, working towards a sustainable future.
Topics covered but not limited to by this series:
Arts (General)
Classical Studies
Communication and Media Studies
(Inter-) Cultural Studies and Heritage
Development Studies
Environmental Social Science
Gender Studies
Geography and Demography
Humanities (General)
Human Factors and Ergonomics
Library and Information Sciences
Law and Law enforcement
Linguistics and Languages
International Studies and International Relations
Media Technology
Performing Arts
Political Science
Religious Studies
Safety Research
Social Sciences (General)
Urban Planning and Development
Visual Arts
Under Appointment
Proposals can only be submitted to Nexus Series of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education online. We are currently in the process of setting up our new online proposal system for this series and will share more information on this shortly. In the meantime, if you want to submit a proceedings proposal for this series or receive more information about our proceedings service, please contact our publishing team at to request a proposal form.
To ensure the quality and integrity of the proceedings we publish, your submitted proposal will be further evaluated and assessed by a Series Editor(s) and/or a scientific evaluation committee consisting of selected senior researchers in the relevant field. Note that proceedings proposals outside the scope of our current series might also be considered.
Open Access
Nexus Series of Social Sciences, Humanities and Education is an open access proceedings series, providing free and unrestricted access to all articles for reading, downloading, copying, and distribution under the terms of the applicable end-user license.
Publication Fees
The online publication of each proceedings is sponsored by the conference organizers and hence no additional publication fees are charged to authors by the publisher.
Copyright & End-User & Publication License
The copyright of all articles published in this series remains with the Authors, i.e. Authors retain full ownership of their article. Third-party reuse of the open access articles is governed by the applicable Creative Commons (CC) end-user license, which authors accept upon submitting their paper. All articles in Nexus Series of Humanities and Social Sciences are published under the CC BY 4.0 license. This means that end users can freely share an article on the condition thatproper attribution is given (i.e. appropriate credit, a link to the applicable license and an indication if any changes were made; all in such a way that does not suggest that the licensor endorses the user or the use).
Upon acceptance of a proceedings proposal, the conference organizer(s) sign(s) a publishing agreement granting Nexus Press an exclusive publication license for the proceedings. This license provides the publisher with the following rights:
The exclusive right to publish and distribute the proceedings and the articles contained, and to grant this right to others.
The right to publish and circulate the proceedings articles on an Open Access basis under the Creative Commons Attribution-4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
The right to make the proceedings articles available in all forms and media, ensuring compatibility with the latest technology and enabling access even after publication.
The authority to enforce the rights in the proceedings articles, on behalf of the Authors, against third parties, for example, in the case of plagiarism or copyright infringement.
Peer Review
All proposals for proceedings intended for publication in this series are evaluated by a series editor and/or a scientific evaluation committee comprising senior researchers in the relevant fields. If accepted, the peer-review process for individual articles in each session is managed by the conference organizer and guest editor for each volume, ensuring compliance with international scientific standards. A final review of the scientific quality of accepted papers is conducted by the series editor prior to publication. For additional information, please visit the respective conference pages or the conference website.
Code of Ethics & Malpractice Statement
Nexus Press is committed to upholding ethical standards in publishing and adheres to the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), including the COPE Core Practices and the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing. Any ethical concerns or instances of misconduct within this series are addressed in accordance with these guidelines. Additionally, for proceedings, Nexus Press follows the IEEE Conference Standards to ensure conference ethics and quality control. For detailed information on the current ethics and quality control practices in conference publications, please refer to the IEEE white paper. To learn more about publishing ethics and misconduct policies, please consult our Publishing Ethics policy.
Every article published in this series of proceedings receives a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). DOIs are uniform digital identifiers that enable the citation and linking of electronic content. Due to their guaranteed stability, DOIs serve as persistent identifiers that ensure the permanent linking to an electronic article, regardless of its storage location.
Permanent Archiving
Nexus Press is dedicated to ensuring the perpetual availability and conservation of scholarly research, as well as facilitating accessibility to this research by converting and updating digital file formats in compliance with emerging technological standards. In addition to maintaining its own digital archive, Nexus Press collaborates with the National Library of the Netherlands to permanently preserve all Nexus Press content in their "e-Depot". Following publication, all volumes of the Nexus Series of Humanities and Social Sciences are uploaded to this e-Depot to secure the enduring archiving of the articles. It is important to note that the e-Depot is accessible on-site at the National Library of the Netherlands, and in situations where Nexus Press is unable to provide content access on its own platform (whether temporarily, during emergencies, or permanently), global public access to the e-Depot can be arranged upon request.