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ISSN (Online): 2666-1470  |  ISSN (Print): N/A
Journal of Artificial Intelligence for Medical Sciences
Editor(s)-in-Chief: Prof. Zhisheng Huang

The Journal of Artificial Intelligence for Medical Sciences  (JAIMS, Online ISSN 2666-1470) is an international peer reviewed journal that covers all aspects of theoretical, methodological and applied artificial intelligence (AI) for medical sciences, healthcare and life sciences.

The Editors welcome original research articles, comprehensive reviews, correspondences and perspectives that provide novel insights into diagnostics, drug development, care processes, treatment personalization with the support of machine/deep learning, data science, natural language processing (NLP), etc.

The Journal of Artificial Intelligence for Medical Sciences is an open access journal, meaning that all articles are immediately and permanently free to read, download, copy & distribute under the terms of the applicable end-user license (refer to the Copyright & End-User License section on this page for further details). Publication in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence for Medical Sciences is free of charge for Authors. All open access publication fees are subsidized by Guangdong AiScholar Institute of Academic Exchange (GDAIAE). Note that this is a promotional offer which applies to all papers submitted before 31 December 2025.

ISSN (Online): Under Registration  |  ISSN (Print): N/A
Journal of Higher Education Research and Innovation
Editor(s)-in-Chief: To be appointed

The Journal of Higher Education Research and Innovation is an open access, peer reviewed and international journal of Higher Education studies. The journal seeks to publish significant and novel research work related to educational developments throughout the world in universities, polytechnics, colleges, and vocational and education institutions. It endeavoures to address the problems of teachers as well as students, and of planners as well as administrators in both public and private Higher Education sectors.

The journal welcomes contributions that aim to enhance understanding of teaching and learning methodolody, comparative education, educational psychology, higher education policy,  institutional management and performance,  and the contribution of higher education to society and the economy. 

ISSN (Online): Under Registration  |  ISSN (Print): N/A
Journal of Business, Economics and Management Research
Editor(s)-in-Chief: To be appointed

Journal of Business, Economics and Management Research is an open access, peer reviewed and international journal whose aim is to provide new insights that contribute and spread the business management knowledge. It publishes research work related to any specialities in the fields of Business Economics (accounting, business management, finance, human resource management, marketing, operations management, organization theory, strategic management, etc.) and the design of institutions (organizations, markets, and networks) in free-market, competitive, or political environments. 

ISSN (Online): Under Registration  |  ISSN (Print): N/A
Recent Advances in Environmental Science and Engineering
Editor(s)-in-Chief: To be appointed

Recent Advances in Environmental Science and Engineering is an open access, peer reviewed and international journal. The journal's aim is to advance and disseminate knowledge in all main branches of environmental science & engineering. It encourages interdisciplinary communication and exchange between scientific researchers in various fields in order to develop a global vision around a number of topics (agricultural, marine, industrial and others).  Academicians and scientists all over the world can share, promote, and discuss various significant environmental issues so as to better solve the economic, social and environmental challenges confronting the future of our planet.

Original research articles, critical reviews, highlights, and perspectives of high quality are welcomed.